Presenting the lyrics of the song 'Shararaandhal' from the movie
Kunjananthante Kada directed by Salim Ahmed and starring Mammootty,
Balachandra Menon, Salim Kumar and Nyla Usha in lead roles. Music for
this marvelous melody is composed by M Jaayachandran who has also sung
this beautiful song.
Movie: Kunjananthante Kada
Song: Shararaandhal
Direction: Salim Ahmed
Music: M Jayachandran
Cast: Mammootty, Nyla Usha
Year: August, 2013
Language : Malayalam
Shararaandhal Lyrics
Shararaandhal mizhi maayum
Oru raavin karayil naam
Kalarathe aliyathe
Izhavelpirinja puzha pole
Pulariyum sandhyayum pole
Ee Kadalum thirayum pole
Poovaniyatheyo raavika raavegam
lyrics from thelyricsworld.com
Nenjodu nenjil thulumbi ninnu
Shararaandhal mizhi maayum
Oru raavin karayil naam
Kalarathe aliyathe
Izhavelpirinja puzha pole
Madiyilennalumorariyaan kanavay
Ilakalum pookkalum pole
Ee nizhalum nilavum pole
Naam ariyatheyo orayiram verukal
Athmavil ake padarnnu ninnu
Shararaandhal mizhi maayum
Oru raavin karayil naam
Kalarathe aliyathe
Izhavelpirinja puzha pole
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